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tell me about ur love life


migas cartel kitten 🐈‍⬛
Established ★
Dec 3, 2024
I’m nosy 👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me rejection stories, talking stage, situationships, rs, divorces, first love WTVV

my first boyfriend had an obsessive ex that spread rumors abt me being a drug addict n almost got me expelled from school😫 I miss that baddie I know we’d be good friends
I’m nosy 👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me rejection stories, talking stage, situationships, rs, divorces, first love WTVV

my first boyfriend had an obsessive ex that spread rumors abt me being a drug addict n almost got me expelled from school😫 I miss that baddie I know we’d be good friends
The most interaction I’ve ever had with boys is holding eye contact.
My mental illness makes me shun human connections

I've had 3 girls approach me now, and all of them were dateable women. Yet I end up insulting or completely ignoring them.

I am extremely insecure of letting people know the real me, amd as such I feel almost disgusted when someone tries to get close to me. Towards them and myself. I am very narcisstic and egotistical, and I like to whine when things don't go my way.

My recent one was a week ago-ish? Don't remember but some random number called me. Said she knew from the campus and though I was gl or whatever. Told her I was disinterested at first even though she sounded more ideal than most M'sian women, she asked if I was gay or somethin'. I said "I just don't want to date atm, I'm bad at socialising". She says something along the lines of "Yeah well that's what this is for, you can learn".

I can't handle the though of anyone trying to "show me the ropes" or even suggesting that they can "help me". I Immediately get super annoyed, told her that if she didn't have my number saved, then she shouldn't have even thought of calling.

Hung up abruptly, never heard from her again

Now that I've finished writing this, I realize I'm just reinforcing paragraph number 3.

"I am very narcisstic and egotistical, and I like to whine when things don't go my way."

LOL I turned some experience of me being completely rude to some random girl into my own sob story

I'm such an insentient POS when I'm not playing some character or joke

My mental illness makes me shun human connections

I've had 3 girls approach me now, and all of them were dateable women. Yet I end up insulting or completely ignoring them.

I am extremely insecure of letting people know the real me, amd as such I feel almost disgusted when someone tries to get close to me. Towards them and myself. I am very narcisstic and egotistical, and I like to whine when things don't go my way.

My recent one was a week ago-ish? Don't remember but some random number called me. Said she knew from the campus and though I was gl or whatever. Told her I was disinterested at first even though she sounded more ideal than most M'sian women, she asked if I was gay or somethin'. I said "I just don't want to date atm, I'm bad at socialising". She says something along the lines of "Yeah well that's what this is for, you can learn".

I can't handle the though of anyone trying to "show me the ropes" or even suggesting that they can "help me". I Immediately get super annoyed, told her that if she didn't have my number saved, then she shouldn't have even thought of calling.

Hung up abruptly, never heard from her again

Now that I've finished writing this, I realize I'm just reinforcing paragraph number 3.

"I am very narcisstic and egotistical, and I like to whine when things don't go my way."

LOL I turned some experience of me being completely rude to some random girl into my own sob story

I'm such an insentient POS when I'm not playing some character or joke

Chad ramblings, he has girls calling him, read that @ratedLTN2 suifuel
My mental illness makes me shun human connections

I've had 3 girls approach me now, and all of them were dateable women. Yet I end up insulting or completely ignoring them.

I am extremely insecure of letting people know the real me, amd as such I feel almost disgusted when someone tries to get close to me. Towards them and myself. I am very narcisstic and egotistical, and I like to whine when things don't go my way.

My recent one was a week ago-ish? Don't remember but some random number called me. Said she knew from the campus and though I was gl or whatever. Told her I was disinterested at first even though she sounded more ideal than most M'sian women, she asked if I was gay or somethin'. I said "I just don't want to date atm, I'm bad at socialising". She says something along the lines of "Yeah well that's what this is for, you can learn".

I can't handle the though of anyone trying to "show me the ropes" or even suggesting that they can "help me". I Immediately get super annoyed, told her that if she didn't have my number saved, then she shouldn't have even thought of calling.

Hung up abruptly, never heard from her again

Now that I've finished writing this, I realize I'm just reinforcing paragraph number 3.

"I am very narcisstic and egotistical, and I like to whine when things don't go my way."

LOL I turned some experience of me being completely rude to some random girl into my own sob story

I'm such an insentient POS when I'm not playing some character or joke

U handsome mean boy 🤦🏻‍♀️ u need some shadow work it’s probably cuz of ur childhood and the abusive environment that u grew up in
U handsome mean boy 🤦🏻‍♀️ u need some shadow work it’s probably cuz of ur childhood and the abusive environment that u grew up in
I'm exactly like the shitheads that I describe having hatred for

Who knows how I'll act if I ever legit get into a relationship or have kids
I’m nosy 👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me rejection stories, talking stage, situationships, rs, divorces, first love WTVV

my first boyfriend had an obsessive ex that spread rumors abt me being a drug addict n almost got me expelled from school😫 I miss that baddie I know we’d be good friends
One of my exes went missing after I broke up with her and the other cheated on me, tldr
How old r u? I can fix u
18 but what could you do?

I've seen enough enough geriatric eggheads who've used fancy language to try and pick my brain.

All they did was explain the things I know about myself ( deep down )

And how I should fix things ( I can't, I just revert or barely give a shit when the time comes )

Nothing helps. I'll start going to therapy again, I've decided, but I doubt it'll help.
very forgetful but that doesn’t matter rep my replies before I summon the migas to ratio you

@Schizotypalcel @moggerofhumanity @BimaxLaser be on standby
It’s cuz you’re suppressing ur emotions
U gotta let it all out and heal ur broken heart
THIS IS NOT HEALTHY!!! this is a safe place free of judgement so let it all out 🥹
18 but what could you do?

I've seen enough enough geriatric eggheads who've used fancy language to try and pick my brain.

All they did was explain the things I know about myself ( deep down )

And how I should fix things ( I can't, I just revert or barely give a shit when the time comes )

Nothing helps. I'll start going to therapy again, I've decided, but I doubt it'll help.
I CAN HELP U!!! lets start with ur mother
I'm over her tbh

She renounced me as her son on the 6th of Dec

She's more of a pain in the ass to deal with because of her screaming and her insults.


She forces me to eat toxic foods
I remember u said ur mom has some mental illness so what was it again? Also what is ur moms n dads rs like
I remember u said ur mom has some mental illness so what was it again? Also what is ur moms n dads rs like
Seizures, Depression, Bipolar Disorder

I have "depression" too

My parents are close I guess, not gonna divorce that's for sure. They are very close and chummy with my brother, but not me since I was a difficult child. I also wasn't breastfed and in contact with my mother at birth because she was ill apparently. Probably why.
Seizures, Depression, Bipolar Disorder

I have "depression" too

My parents are close I guess, not gonna divorce that's for sure. They are very close and chummy with my brother, but not me since I was a difficult child. I also wasn't breastfed and in contact with my mother at birth because she was ill apparently. Probably why.
how many siblings do u have n what’s ur birth order?