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tell me about ur love life

no cuz you’ve been on a hating streak with me 😡
That's not true i said nothing. "Hating" is a big ass stretch... My rep is ruined thx ig...

I was 🤏 this close to tell you my dating stories... pff 😞
I let you save @n9wiff and then i ramble my dating stories, i think you have already read how i met my gf and how i met my former sexfriend
do Yk anything abt ur mom’s upbringing?
She grew up in an abusive household.

Like I explained in some other thread, I seriously think the genes for familial love is absent in my ancestry.

She was physically abused by my granddad, she'd get whiped with hoses and rods a lot apparently
She grew up in an abusive household.

She was physically abused by my granddad, she'd get whiped with hoses and rods a lot apparently
omg that’s sad to hear about she probably got married young as an escape and when she got pregnant with u she developed some hatred for u
Like I explained in some other thread, I seriously think the genes for familial love is absent in my ancestry.
Do u want to break the cycle? Or become ur mother?
no idk abt ur sexfriend u js briefly mentioned her
Long story short i've met her in a stuck empty train, we talked for 2 hours, kept contact, dated, she told me she just wanted sex, we have done that for 3 months, i still took her at the restaurant because knocking at her door, fucking and leaving wasn't my thing. And once i started to be uninterested in this situationship, she started to talk about a possible relationship, that i was the first to not treat her like an object etc... i walked away. It was in 2022
Long story short i've met her in a stuck empty train, we talked for 2 hours, kept contact, dated, she told me she just wanted sex, we have done that for 3 months, i still took her at the restaurant because knocking at her door, fucking and leaving wasn't my thing. And once i started to be uninterested in this situationship, she started to talk about a possible relationship, that i was the first to not treat her like an object etc... i walked away. It was in 2022
the man that you are 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 always having women chasing after u Tony what’s the secret boss 😫
why is that? There has to be a trigger since you’re 18 have u thought about leaving that environment?
My family is rich

They'll pay for my university still, I get to live in a big house and enjoy some other comforts

Not in my best interests *for now

I plan to be independent when I am ready.
the man that you are 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Yeah she tried to came back last year when she heard about my gf
I refused things with some girls but i got rejected and played too by other girls

always having women chasing after u Tony what’s the secret boss 😫
I think being a Tall (6'2) brunnette and being NT has helped. I wouldn't say this is my face despite people here rated me MTN, and @nonchalan.t have seen my face and gave me a hell of a rating lmao
My family is rich

They'll pay for my university still, I get to live in a big house and enjoy some other comforts

Not in my best interests *for now

I plan to be independent when I am ready.
Hmm then try to spend less time surrounding urself with that energy
So get a hobby n be more outside it will help u more with expressing yourself
Join some random clubs at uni
Express urself even if u may hurt someone but make sure that u acknowledge it n try to change n make up for ur mistake
u seem like very aware n logical person so take it a step at a time so if u can’t apologize start with acknowledging the situation better n understand n forgive urself that way you’ll learn to live for others slowly
Yeah she tried to came back last year when she heard about my gf
I refused things with some girls but i got rejected and played too by other girls

I think being a Tall (6'2) brunnette and being NT has helped. I wouldn't say this is my face despite people here rated me MTN, and @nonchalan.t have seen my face and gave me a hell of a rating lmao
Hmm then try to spend less time surrounding urself with that energy
So get a hobby n be more outside it will help u more with expressing yourself
Join some random clubs at uni
Express urself even if u may hurt someone but make sure that u acknowledge it n try to change n make up for ur mistake
u seem like very aware n logical person so take it a step at a time so if u can’t apologize start with acknowledging the situation better n understand n forgive urself that way you’ll learn to live for others slowly
I'm just gonna start reading again for now

There is no hope in this university, my reputation is DESTROYED

I'll go to bed now