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tell me about ur love life

Not an excuse + she told me maybe 2 months ago that she moved on and now she is waiting his text for one week lmao. The guy told her he haven't responded for 1 month because his phone was broken... Canon event we can't intefere
Not an excuse + she told me maybe 2 months ago that she moved on and now she is waiting his text for one week lmao. The guy told her he haven't responded for 1 month because his phone was broken... Canon event we can't intefere
pompom please tell me Tony is lying n he’s defaming u 🥹🥹
I’m white/asian Stacy only
My first girlfriend was perfect and was a great first relationship. Then when we broke up because of some differences, I kept looking for girls that were similar to her. It didn’t end well as I was trying to fill the void that she left and looking for pieces of her in new women was a terrible idea.

Now I cannot form a connection with women anymore as I’m burnt out from previous relationships.
move on tbh and stop chasing
mine is brutal
i confessed to the gym guy after 5 long months of liking him, him ghosting me for a month then coming back, and never asking me on a date and ive been on delivered for a week and a half
I had an onetis when I lived on a small island close to the uk. I was 19 at the time and she was 23.

She had a kid and a partner. She was unhappy in her relationship. She even told me he hit her once.

We worked together. We often had matching shifts. She was super nice. She would ask me so many questions, she really wanted to know me. I felt heard and understood, she was so interested in my personal life, I was interested in her's too. We built a great bond over time. Shifts with her felt like they were 30 mins. She was clearly interested in me and I made it quite obvious I was into her. She would compliment me and ask me very personal questions about my type of girls and previous sexual experiences. I was the happiest person on earth when I was in her presence.

One day I fucked up and had to leave.

I still remember the last time we were together. We were at work and we were at this cafe for work-related purposes. It was just us, so it felt like a date. She looked gorgeous that day, like a real angel. Her image is deeply engraved into my head 'till this day. I dream about her often and I get emotional thinking about her.

I had a dream about her almost every night of this week even after more than two years. I love her so much it's unreal how much I'm hurting rn

The only thing more painful than saying goodbye is never getting the chance to say it.
ur a abnormal stupid tiktok female (slave language so that dean doesn't SA me with warnings)
u can't give any advice as you haven't thought enough on your own about anything
ur stupid and a female so u can't give advice
most people who are male and stupid also can't give advice

u didn't give any good advice in this thread
Sometimes I kiss and sometimes I cuss. It can be volatile but that's normal for us. We could be smashing plates, striking and swinging meat cleavers at each other in the morning but be laughing together about something pleasant by afternoon. It's been six and a half years. Things were much worse during the first two years. We enjoy doing simple things like taking walks.

Both of us are very good with money and have the same outlook in life. If I told her we gotta throw all our shit in the trash, sell one vehicle, and move to the other side of the country within the next two days there would be no problem or fighting. It's the little things that most people don't fight about that causes us to fight.

We're more mature than most people our age when it comes to a lot of things. In some ways though we're less mature than a lot of teenagers.
I’m nosy 👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me rejection stories, talking stage, situationships, rs, divorces, first love WTVV

my first boyfriend had an obsessive ex that spread rumors abt me being a drug addict n almost got me expelled from school😫 I miss that baddie I know we’d be good friends
i bag any girl i try to, i just dont try too very often

also im lonely asl cause these hoes aint worth it🤗
ur a abnormal stupid tiktok female (slave language so that dean doesn't SA me with warnings)
u can't give any advice as you haven't thought enough on your own about anything
ur stupid and a female so u can't give advice
most people who are male and stupid also can't give advice

u didn't give any good advice in this thread
Hey I just wanted to read 🙄 I gave advice to those who asked in pms 😤 hater
no people wouldn’t be coming out as lgtv later in life if finding love can be too
Sometimes the love of ur life is in a diff country or married lmao
So real