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tell me about ur love life

never outright but I feel like if I was 6ft6 instead of 5ft 3 women would not reject me and I was 5ft9 a lot less rejection tbh
I agree with you. On your pfp you look like these type of mixed dude badboymaxxed, a niche to a certain type of women. But they are 5'11+ only

tbh if i was 5ft9 I'd be satimia one punch man
Have you seen an endocrinologist ?
Did you guys get rejected/ ignored by women because of height ?
Well I’ve never cold approached women so I never put myself in a position to be rejected. However I hve seen girls checking me out when I’m sitting only to be turned off when I stand lol
And on dating apps I’ll occasionally be asked by matches if I’m rly 5’3 jfl :copium:

NT/neuroticism is the biggest issue for me imo though, prevents me from getting a relationship
Well I’ve never cold approached women so I never put myself in a position to be rejected. However I hve seen girls checking me out when I’m sitting only to be turned off when I stand lol
And on dating apps I’ll occasionally be asked by matches if I’m rly 5’3 jfl :copium:

NT/neuroticism is the biggest issue for me imo though, prevents me from getting a relationship
I think the only solutions, unless you can actually pull taller or shorter women, is LL surgery. Because the dating world now seems to be brutal
Well I’ve never cold approached women so I never put myself in a position to be rejected. However I hve seen girls checking me out when I’m sitting only to be turned off when I stand lol
And on dating apps I’ll occasionally be asked by matches if I’m rly 5’3 jfl :copium:

NT/neuroticism is the biggest issue for me imo though, prevents me from getting a relationship
I’m 5’3 n had a thing with a guy who was also 5’3 (long story short he played me) we exist js got weak hearts 😩🥺
I’m 5’3 n had a thing with a guy who was also 5’3 (long story short he played me) we exist js got weak hearts 😩🥺
Being played by a 5'3 dude is wild
FUCJ YOU 😫 when I asked him why he talked to other girls behind my back he said it’s because I was but I wasn’t 😔 his face card could save my bloodline idk why guys always think im a hoe
That's so sad if true
I’m nosy 👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me rejection stories, talking stage, situationships, rs, divorces, first love WTVV

my first boyfriend had an obsessive ex that spread rumors abt me being a drug addict n almost got me expelled from school😫 I miss that baddie I know we’d be good friends
Niga that's not healthy wtf, you shouldn't miss him
Tbf I don't take showers
Have you heard about bar soap and perfume ?
I think the only solutions, unless you can actually pull taller or shorter women, is LL surgery. Because the dating world now seems to be brutal
I’m not trying to be a slayer, I can still get dates so I don’t see the point in LL

I’m 5’3 n had a thing with a guy who was also 5’3 (long story short he played me) we exist js got weak hearts 😩🥺
NT mogger
I’m not trying to be a slayer, I can still get dates so I don’t see the point in LL
That's good tbh, i thought you get zero attention from women that's why
Did you get your 6S btw ?
Absolutely nonexistent up until recently, and even still, I wouldn't consider it a "love life". Only now am I being introduced to a light idea of what it can be like.
I’m nosy 👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me rejection stories, talking stage, situationships, rs, divorces, first love WTVV

my first boyfriend had an obsessive ex that spread rumors abt me being a drug addict n almost got me expelled from school😫 I miss that baddie I know we’d be good friends
I had a work crush at my first job when I was 16 and this is such a virgin shit but I just saw the back of his head and got a crush on him, lucky for me he was kinda cute. We didn't talk for two months till we were both in the break room alone for once.

So I decided to strike up a conversation. Turns out we have a lot of interests in common, especially movies. This is a movie theater mind you and I was the person who scans ur tickets at the door. My coworker said I could be on break for up to an hour or so since she was bored and just wanted to scan tickets so we talked for a good while. I told him my break was over and I had to go. He offered to go up with me back to the podium so we could keep talking since his break wasnt over.

This good talking went on for two weeks. I literally went home and told my parents I found my boyfriend. We had so much in common.

Come to find out, he randomly drops that phrase no girl wants to hear.

"My girlfriend"

This came as a surprise to me and I asked how long they'd been dating and he said about three months. So I'm obviously a little peeved by this but I suppose we can just be friends. It made me sad though because previously before this job I was 5'3 and almost 170 pounds. So I received zero male attention. So for this guy to be putting in the effort to talk to me was special.

Over time things got weird between us. At one point he dm'ed me on ig saying he broke up with his gf at like midnight. We weren't friends like that so I was confused. Hed sometimes act weirdly flirty, especially in front of our other coworkers who knew abt his gf. He'd steal my phone and make me reach for it, banter, etc. but if we were alone he'd act all weird and distant sometimes. I remember there was a time when I caught him trying to get change or smfh and mt shift was over. I asked him, "are you gonna miss me?" (Id ask various ppl this not just him) And it was routine he'd say no. This time he said "yea- no." And smiled like he got caught. Theres a bunch of little stuff he did but that would make it too long.

Long story short, his girlfriend ends up coming to work alooooot more now. And she gives me nasty looks everytime. But like how tf do you know me. He ends up unfollowing on Instagram and I quit the job without saying bye to anyone. Haven't seen him since.
I had a work crush at my first job when I was 16 and this is such a virgin shit but I just saw the back of his head and got a crush on him, lucky for me he was kinda cute. We didn't talk for two months till we were both in the break room alone for once.

So I decided to strike up a conversation. Turns out we have a lot of interests in common, especially movies. This is a movie theater mind you and I was the person who scans ur tickets at the door. My coworker said I could be on break for up to an hour or so since she was bored and just wanted to scan tickets so we talked for a good while. I told him my break was over and I had to go. He offered to go up with me back to the podium so we could keep talking since his break wasnt over.

This good talking went on for two weeks. I literally went home and told my parents I found my boyfriend. We had so much in common.

Come to find out, he randomly drops that phrase no girl wants to hear.

"My girlfriend"

This came as a surprise to me and I asked how long they'd been dating and he said about three months. So I'm obviously a little peeved by this but I suppose we can just be friends. It made me sad though because previously before this job I was 5'3 and almost 170 pounds. So I received zero male attention. So for this guy to be putting in the effort to talk to me was special.

Over time things got weird between us. At one point he dm'ed me on ig saying he broke up with his gf at like midnight. We weren't friends like that so I was confused. Hed sometimes act weirdly flirty, especially in front of our other coworkers who knew abt his gf. He'd steal my phone and make me reach for it, banter, etc. but if we were alone he'd act all weird and distant sometimes. I remember there was a time when I caught him trying to get change or smfh and mt shift was over. I asked him, "are you gonna miss me?" (Id ask various ppl this not just him) And it was routine he'd say no. This time he said "yea- no." And smiled like he got caught. Theres a bunch of little stuff he did but that would make it too long.

Long story short, his girlfriend ends up coming to work alooooot more now. And she gives me nasty looks everytime. But like how tf do you know me. He ends up unfollowing on Instagram and I quit the job without saying bye to anyone. Haven't seen him since.
so real queen 😫 my first rs i was a homewrecker (I didn’t know I swear 😢)
so real queen 😫 my first rs i was a homewrecker (I didn’t know I swear 😢)
I miss my work husband ☹️my curly haired king we wouldve had beautiful curly head babies. He literally would try to make me jealous and shit. 😒But he turned out to be a total loser and is still at that fuckin job so
If I actually got into anything before I was 18 it'd be sad and ppl would probably say I was groomed but my first IRL relationship was recent and he left me for another girl posted on snap about how love is fake cuz he only wanted sex then posted again from a high place and said he was gonna jump, I texted him asked I'd he was okay and it's not even read yet
Now I'm taking to another guy that I've known for almost 3 years
If I actually got into anything before I was 18 it'd be sad and ppl would probably say I was groomed but my first IRL relationship was recent and he left me for another girl posted on snap about how love is fake cuz he only wanted sex then posted again from a high place and said he was gonna jump, I texted him asked I'd he was okay and it's not even read yet
Now I'm taking to another guy that I've known for almost 3 years
Buddy jumped...
show up there to “watch a movie” 😫
Omfg that's the thing Everytime i go back (not for him I just get shit for free sometimes and it's the nicest theater close to me) he's never scheduled. I literally ask to see the schedule from someone in advance when I go and he's not there. Like ho do u not work. I feel like it would be awkward tho more than anything