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Discussion TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

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1 because i personally like the pretty cute boy look
What don't you like about 2?
i like two as well, but i guess i just don’t find the super manly look attractive.
one has more of a pretty look, more feminine features.
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  • #16
i like two as well, but i guess i just don’t find the super manly look attractive.
one has more of a pretty look, more feminine features.
Even if guy 2 was big hearted and wanted an LTR with you and guy 1 just wants to fuck would you rather hold out for a prettyboy or go with 2?
Even if guy 2 was big hearted and wanted an LTR with you and guy 1 just wants to fuck would you rather hold out for a prettyboy or go with 2?
i would 100% go for guy 2 in that case, but i bet that both of them would be fuckboys😭
In fact, gymmaxxed, softmaxxed HTNs are more likely to be fuckboys than chads JFL
honestly that surprises me, maybe chads aren’t so bad🤔
From what I have seen, most prefer quality over quantity
oh yeah, well then that makes sense. either way i just think fuckboys suck and no matter how goodlooking one is, i would NEVER go for one.
Are you sure prettyboys are more intelligent?

They mog
they have lots of discipline and self control, i can respect that. to me it shows they can commit to things for a long time. some of them are fuckboys tho, but the ones ive met have been super cool!
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  • #36
maybe not but skinny guys are more intelligent than big muscular guys. at least it seems like that to me.
And your preference is skinny
oh yeah, well then that makes sense. either way i just think fuckboys suck and no matter how goodlooking one is, i would NEVER go for one.
In fact body count goes DOWN from HTN/Chadlite to Chad
HTNs are the IRL chads and are more accessible to foids
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  • #37
they have lots of discipline and self control, i can respect that. to me it shows they can commit to things for a long time. some of them are fuckboys tho, but the ones ive met have been super cool!
Do you think masculine or prettyboy men are more likely fuckboys (if attractive)?
Don't generalize
And your preference is skinny

In fact body count goes DOWN from HTN/Chadlite to Chad
HTNs are the IRL chads and are more accessible to foids
that’s so surprising omg😭😭
Do you think masculine or prettyboy men are more likely fuckboys (if attractive)?
Don't generalize
tbh after what you said i believe that pretty boy men are more likely to be fuckboys
Weirdly enough the high chadlites/chads are extremely guarded and picky. Many won't let women into their life so easily especially more masc ones
this is lifefuel then, i hope all chads and cls find good women if this is true
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  • #48
they use the fact they look more ‘trusting’ to their advantage
And women are more likely to be intimidated by maesthetic and masc guys?
And assume they're fuckboys but they're actually big hearted?
send examples
Nick Kaufmann?
My mum and a 34 year old women found them ugly.
And women are more likely to be intimidated by maesthetic and masc guys?
And assume they're fuckboys but they're actually big hearted?

Nick Kaufmann?
My mum and a 34 year old women found them ugly.
ngl i like guys who look like richard ramirez, not supporting his actions
