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Discussion TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

  • Total voters
Which one do you think is more appealing for an ltr for you?
Second one ,but only because like i said before the top pics are bad,it looks like an AI generated sadboi than a pretty boy
What vibe does 2 give?
Don't wanna go off that whole meme of " nice personality" when in reality he's just a chad.But i assume anyone who looks like this wouldn't really have any complexes or insecurities in general and would overall have a chill personality.
Voted for the second guy but only because first guy had a faggy hairstyle...I feel like the second one would be more applying to older women
I think i can find the connection here because people seek sense of security and stability in their lives so even we don't talk about personalities here they can sense the strength in the second guy based on the way he looks and they cannot find it in the first guy because they think he can't protect them, this is a short version of what i was supposed to say without many details but i think you can solve the puzzle @Jova