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Discussion TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

  • Total voters
Which mogs
older women love masculine, some cougars and teens like pretty boy. But those are a vocal minority, in any smut/romance book its always a commanding alpha male type masculine phenotype. So it seems that its more likely that masculine mogs. Plus its just better.
Ignoring the hair, I think he just looks like a boy where 2 looks like a man I’d feel like 2 could fight a bear yk
agreed,the masculinity can b attractive but it also decreases general approachability as they tend to look more intimidating
agreed,the masculinity can b attractive but it also decreases general approachability as they tend to look more intimidating
Yes but that’s part of the reason to why I’m attracted to it. The thought of a man that’s scary to everyone is being nice to me feels better than a man that’s friendly and approachable to everyone being nice to me
Yes but that’s part of the reason to why I’m attracted to it. The thought of a man that’s scary to everyone is being nice to me feels better than a man that’s friendly and approachable to everyone being nice to me
Also ironically I've met more prettyboy fuckboys than maesthetic fuckboys.
Yes but that’s part of the reason to why I’m attracted to it. The thought of a man that’s scary to everyone is being nice to me feels better than a man that’s friendly and approachable to everyone being nice to me
This is very true but I mean initially a women usually would b more on edge.Its just biological more masculine = more testosterone = stronger/more violent = more dangerous but also better protector
What they did with foids and what they looked like pls.
i can tell u what they did with women,which is jst cheat and use them a pump and dump essentially but I’m not sending pics of them 😭😭
cause they j look girly. i mean im a girl so i feel like its a given that id want my man to protect me, be stronger, etc. and being masculine just balances out my femininity aswell too and thats the vibe that the second pics give imo. in my experience most pretty boys act feminine aswell in general too so maybe thats why lol also most girls who like pretty boys r like 12 cuz they post thirst traps on social media
cause they j look girly. i mean im a girl so i feel like its a given that id want my man to protect me, be stronger, etc. and being masculine just balances out my femininity aswell too and thats the vibe that the second pics give imo. in my experience most pretty boys act feminine aswell in general too so maybe thats why lol also most girls who like pretty boys r like 12 cuz they post thirst traps on social media
And do you think prettyboys tend to be


More than their masculine counterparts?
And why don’t you want a pretty boy?

And do you think prettyboys tend to be


More than their masculine counterparts?
From experience id say yes. I mean prettyboys obviously tend to be more materialistic with their looks and would probably go for a stacy with a shit personality. They're definitely fuckboys aswell cause i feel like the masculine men i've seen don't tend to go looking for women attention like that.
From experience id say yes. I mean prettyboys obviously tend to be more materialistic with their looks and would probably go for a stacy with a shit personality. They're definitely fuckboys aswell cause i feel like the masculine men i've seen don't tend to go looking for women attention like that.
From your experience how did the masculine guys differ?
honestly I don't really like either my ultimate type is someone who looks like current Slash from gnr ;-; but if I had to pick prob 1! his hair is nice :3
Voted for the second guy but only because first guy had a faggy hairstyle...I feel like the second one would be more applying to older women