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Discussion TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

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And women are more likely to be intimidated by maesthetic and masc guys?
And assume they're fuckboys but they're actually big hearted?
yeah women are definitely more intimidated by masc guys, i definitely am😭 yeah before what you said i would think they were fuckboys, but i guess that’s not true
send your face i haven't seen
lol this will sound like a joke but i like how brahmin boss looks

the style and aura mostly.

We are nearly the same ethnicity. He is mallu and I am Tamil. Though I also have a quarter Chinese in me, that's why despite supposing to look darker than him, I have a lighter skintone
what happened?
He ghosts me on discord.

But he doesn't know that while I get stronger everyday, that old man gets weaker.

Plus I don't need to hide behind 20 filters to look human. My pics are EXTREMELY raw and unedited, unlike his
He ghosts me on discord.

But he doesn't know that while I get stronger everyday, that old man gets weaker.

Plus I don't need to hide behind 20 filters to look human. My pics are EXTREMELY raw and unedited, unlike his
i like how he looks here
you look italian imo
looks good
If you were a girl and I asked you out

Rate 1-10 on dopamine spike? And your response?

To visualize IRL I am 182cm but skinny. Not lean, like I am a skeleton.

Also rate 1-10 cortisol spike ( if I look intimidating in any way )
If you were a girl and I asked you out

Rate 1-10 on dopamine spike? And your response?

To visualize IRL I am 182cm but skinny. Not lean, like I am a skeleton.

Also rate 1-10 cortisol spike ( if I look intimidating in any way )
i am a girl lol, i feel like that makes this situation awkward

Like who?
brahmin boss, like i mentioned
i am a girl lol, i feel like that makes this situation awkward

Then just compare our faces. Who looks more intimidating vs who looks more dopamine inducing?

Like if you saw two of us IRL. But like maybe Brahmin and I are angry at each other so we are starting to argue and things get heated.

Then just compare our faces. Who looks more intimidating vs who looks more dopamine inducing?

Like if you saw two of us IRL. But like maybe Brahmin and I are angry at each other so we are starting to argue and things get heated.
he looks like he'd win in a fight
u look like a nice guy shopkeeper or barber
no i just saw him say it and its funny
i actually dont like pronounced cheekbones that much usually
I already found it weird, now you are talking about pashtun ancestry in dreams and what not.

No girl would ever rate me lower than you, or should I say BrahminBoss 😐
I already found it weird, now you are talking about pashtun ancestry in dreams and what not.

No girl would ever rate me lower than you, or should I say BrahminBoss 😐
I copied that from a post of his

I copied that from a post of his

Prove who you are.

I just can't believe it now.
mods can check my ip and show i dont live in india

Just use a legitimate VPN with a spoofed browser fingerprint theory.

Fine I'll take your word for now, but you can't get in my head. I can see why @Korea called you a bastard.

If you really aren't BrahminBoss, then ignore my words, welcome to the forum!
Just use a legitimate VPN with a spoofed browser fingerprint theory.

Fine I'll take your word for now, but you can't get in my head. I can see why @Korea called you a bastard.

If you really aren't BrahminBoss, then ignore my words, welcome to the forum!
ok i can dm you proof im a girl if you want...
ok i can dm you proof im a girl if you want...
Yes please.

No face though, just send your like forearm or something with a paper saying cake n9wiff.

I can tell because BB has chunky forearms because 30 percent bf
Yes please.

No face though, just send your like forearm or something with a paper saying cake n9wiff.

I can tell because BB has chunky forearms because 30 percent bf
ok give me a sec ill have to go get a paper