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Discussion TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

TO WOMEN: Which of these two would you prefer for a boyfriend?

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Not where I live bro I've never seen that wtf?

Maybe cuz most Asians don't have curly hair
Try Canada man. Whole area is run by birds nest curly head brown boys thinking they're hard. And the girls love em.
Well xang I just realized jova is ur alt on .org…. Looks like I might have to report u to the mods 🤔😎
ig my standards are too high cuz id choose neither
What’s your ethnicity

You’re a woman
But anyways what would really suprise me is if number 2 guys were kind to other people because i hate men i think they are pure evil so it would kinda be something new if a masculine guy specially ih he is older and is not having rage episodes 24/7 and is actually really diplomatic and emotionally intelligent
But anyways what would really suprise me is if number 2 guys were kind to other people because i hate men i think they are pure evil so it would kinda be something new if a masculine guy specially ih he is older and is not having rage episodes 24/7 and is actually really diplomatic and emotionally intelligent
Diplomatic and emotionally intelligent = prettyboy with good eye area
But anyways what would really suprise me is if number 2 guys were kind to other people because i hate men i think they are pure evil so it would kinda be something new if a masculine guy specially ih he is older and is not having rage episodes 24/7 and is actually really diplomatic and emotionally intelligent
Diplomatic and emotional intelligence rely on a person's life experience and maturity, not their looks. Emotional intelligence, which I believe you're referring to as being in tune with one's own feelings and those of their partner, is more about personality traits rather than any specific archetype of a man.
Diplomatic and emotional intelligence rely on a person's life experience and maturity, not their looks. Emotional intelligence, which I believe you're referring to as being in tune with one's own feelings and those of their partner, is more about personality traits rather than any specific archetype of a man.
You clearly didn't understand what i was talking about, it is about my exprience where i never met a masculine guy who was nice, this is short version, now you get it?
You clearly didn't understand what i was talking about, it is about my exprience where i never met a masculine guy who was nice, this is short version, now you get it?
I already get it, and my answer remains the same: you can't label every masculine male as bad based on your experiences. Personal experiences are subjective and not solid proof.
I already get it, and my answer remains the same: you can't label every masculine male as bad based on your experiences. Personal experiences are subjective and not solid proof.
I don't care i will change my opinion when i see it in my life, it would kinda solve just a little bit of my big fear of men because i see the world like resident evil or Jennifer's body movie becuase of traumas i had with them like when i got away with two rapists when i was 14
I don't care i will change my opinion when i see it in my life, it would kinda solve just a little bit of my big fear of men because i see the world like resident evil or Jennifer's body movie becuase of traumas i had with them like when i got away with two rapists when i was 14
I understand where you're coming from, and I’d feel the same way if that happened to me. But there are bad people everywhere. Living in fear isn’t the best approach, fear is a poor advisor. Keep your cover up, but don’t get so caught up in defending it that you lose sight of the bigger picture.
I understand where you're coming from, and I’d feel the same way if that happened to me. But there are bad people everywhere. Living in fear isn’t the best approach, fear is a poor advisor. Keep your cover up, but don’t get so caught up in defending it that you lose sight of the bigger picture.
This isn't just a regular fear, i see corpses, blood, violence, screams from hell when i see a guy, not even Lana Del Rey could describe anybody so dramatic like i do
Yes it does, i am a lot better than last few years, even if i am bad still to this day believe me you don't wanna meet me from last year
Glad it has worked to some extent.
I already get it, and my answer remains the same: you can't label every masculine male as bad based on your experiences. Personal experiences are subjective and not solid proof.
She probably has a preference for prettyboys
Weirdly enough, prettyboys are often MORE promiscuous than Maesthetic men.