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Discussion What is the ideal height for a male ?

Over: Anything below 5’7
Bad 5’7-8
Decent 5’9-11
Good 6’0-2
Ideal 6’3-5

6’2 is “Ideal” but in reality it’s not, because compared to other people you won’t look as tall. It’s not about you, it’s about being better than everyone else and at 6’3-5 you are noticeably taller than everyone around you.
I specifically said in "primal" settings

I said 6ft2 is ideal. At 6ft2 you don't need to worry about height anywhere you live in unless it is a specific insecurity
6ft2 is NOT ideal. You aren’t noticeably taller than people around you, unless where you live the average height is sub 5’9.
6ft2 is NOT ideal. You aren’t noticeably taller than people around you, unless where you live the average height is sub 5’9
I just said it is a height where you don't have to worry about it anymore

My height range was universal you can't adjust it to where you live anyways

Even if you lived with people of the Dinaric Alps which are the considered by many the tallest people in the world, at legit barefoot 6ft2
(188cm) there would only be about ~30 percent of men that would be taller than you.

I have had this convo with ElTruecel before
as a young teenager i didnt care about height at all, then i started caring because everyone else did but now im back to not caring as much
5'8 is my minimum, if you have a handsome face thats the ideal
my minimum used to be 5'10 (altho i did like a guy who was 5'6...)
i guess it doesnt matter as much to me bc im 5'1, now face matters more, he doesnt need to be super handsome but at least some good features and stylish, and not a bad build
i still find 6ft+ attractive but it would feel like some weird fetish to me now
6'5 is too tall for me, i liked a 6'5 guy once and now that i look back at it its kind of weird compared to my height specifically. butif youre already a tall girl, then i get why you would be into 6'5.
f**k society for making pedophilia a joke. I’m 6’3 and if I walk out on public with a girl below 5’3 I guarantee you I’d get dirty looks and have people call me a pedophile, regardless of our age.

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