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Announcement What would you like to see changed on the forum?

greycels are literally never responded to or interacted with on .org unless they go for something directly
ive never been on there, what do they do differently?

can you give some examples of what could be implemented here?
U can edit ur name and custom title colour regardless of ur posts (even at 0)

Better emojis and reacts than all forums (if u add em plz don't remove the emojis here they are also very good )

Profile banner is available

Also fun fact @i_love_roosters is a mod there
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  • #253
U can edit ur name and custom title colour regardless of ur posts (even at 0)

Better emojis and reacts than all forums (if u add em plz don't remove the emojis here they are also very good )

Profile banner is available

Also fun fact @i_love_roosters is a mod there
Thanks for letting me know man

I'll definitely consider adding in those things
sounds like a plan boyo 🤝
Members here don't want censorship and if u think u can remove it u can do a poll asking if we all want censorship or not

Most people find it annoying

Its ur choice if u wanna do it or not but I'd recommend that u should do it 😉
Add more styles so people can use this forum in public
U can edit ur name and custom title colour regardless of ur posts (even at 0)

Better emojis and reacts than all forums (if u add em plz don't remove the emojis here they are also very good )

Profile banner is available

Also fun fact @i_love_roosters is a mod there
I love to make my name bubblegum pink! 👅
a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority
no one here is ranked above
Members here don't want censorship and if u think u can remove it u can do a poll asking if we all want censorship or not

Most people find it annoying

Its ur choice if u wanna do it or not but I'd recommend that u should do it 😉
this is good
if you have mod badge it does
and people will respect you and listen to a person with badges, posts, and reps over a newbie greycel
not at this stage in the website
yeah, its still in development phase. but dean is the apex predator and mods serve him
no hierarchy yet but we will see that when more ppl join

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