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Guide estrogen is the way to improve


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Ate a small amount of raw meat. Raw meat is not my thing (in terms of cuisine), but cooking removes some of the health benefits. Anyway, my theory is that masculinity is a parasite.

Because i was laying down and i could feel my organs being cleansed by the raw meat. Kept farting and bubbling and feeling my organs becoming cleansed. My theory is there can only be one. Raw meat has parasites, there can only be one so this flushes out the other parasites from your body since they are competing for resources. The important thing is to find raw meat that has the right type of parasites that you need.

As I was becoming cleansed i started feeling more and more feminine. Cleanliness is next to godliness. So feminity is godliness.

And why I said masculinity is a parasite. For example when I get mad I feel like an evil goauld. And i dont feel right. For example if one person gets me mad i start to want to choke their throats. and then i want to keep punching them when they are down on the concrete ground until they have multiple concussions. "So what" you ask. Well it is worse because then i start to feel angry at everyone and random people, this is illogical and it doesnt feel right.

When i feel cleansed i feel less and less reptilian and more and more like a female anime chick. I start to feel like one of those soy cucks that actually has a wife. You know the type of men im talking about. The type of men who do not play any violent games at all. So I believe they have a parasite in them as well. Because it almost feels like a vacuum, not to play any violent games at all. Almost as if a different type of parasite is causing them to not be reptilian at all.

And the cleansing did not last and was not 100%. After a while i started to feel unwell again and wanting to hurt those who hurt me. But this time it was different, i was only angry at them and not anybody else. so a definite improvement.

i have difficulty feeling love and empathy
this does not seem healthy to me.

after a while masculinity makes you like a junkie that doesn't get as much depth from life. for example if you do get a wife you might just feel like an emotionally detached robot. not really living a true existence, such as a bunch of lesbian anime girls.

anyway i looked at my jawline. I guess what i'd have to say is my jawline is similar to neil de grasse tyson's jawline. i have to wear a mask to hide my jawline. i feel like estrogen is the only way to improve my jawline. my jawline does not look like a normal attractive jawline like this:
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  • #3
masculinity created our world

is this me lol ?

T + Good Androgen receptors = CHAD
masculinity could destroy our world

and also the soycucks i talked about do build a lot, for all we know our world was built by soycucks. to be precise, males built our world, masculinity building our world is debatable.
masculinity could destroy our world

and also the soycucks i talked about do build a lot, for all we know our world was built by soycucks. to be precise, males built our world, masculinity building our world is debatable.
This world has been built on masculinity

If everyone in this world would be gay and submissive we would be already dead
Ate a small amount of raw meat. Raw meat is not my thing (in terms of cuisine), but cooking removes some of the health benefits. Anyway, my theory is that masculinity is a parasite.

Because i was laying down and i could feel my organs being cleansed by the raw meat. Kept farting and bubbling and feeling my organs becoming cleansed. My theory is there can only be one. Raw meat has parasites, there can only be one so this flushes out the other parasites from your body since they are competing for resources. The important thing is to find raw meat that has the right type of parasites that you need.

As I was becoming cleansed i started feeling more and more feminine. Cleanliness is next to godliness. So feminity is godliness.

And why I said masculinity is a parasite. For example when I get mad I feel like an evil goauld. And i dont feel right. For example if one person gets me mad i start to want to choke their throats. and then i want to keep punching them when they are down on the concrete ground until they have multiple concussions. "So what" you ask. Well it is worse because then i start to feel angry at everyone and random people, this is illogical and it doesnt feel right.

When i feel cleansed i feel less and less reptilian and more and more like a female anime chick. I start to feel like one of those soy cucks that actually has a wife. You know the type of men im talking about. The type of men who do not play any violent games at all. So I believe they have a parasite in them as well. Because it almost feels like a vacuum, not to play any violent games at all. Almost as if a different type of parasite is causing them to not be reptilian at all.

And the cleansing did not last and was not 100%. After a while i started to feel unwell again and wanting to hurt those who hurt me. But this time it was different, i was only angry at them and not anybody else. so a definite improvement.

this does not seem healthy to me.

after a while masculinity makes you like a junkie that doesn't get as much depth from life. for example if you do get a wife you might just feel like an emotionally detached robot. not really living a true existence, such as a bunch of lesbian anime girls.

anyway i looked at my jawline. I guess what i'd have to say is my jawline is similar to neil de grasse tyson's jawline. i have to wear a mask to hide my jawline. i feel like estrogen is the only way to improve my jawline. my jawline does not look like a normal attractive jawline like this:
View attachment 27771
You sound like you've been popping theories from the toilet bro ngl
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  • #6
This world has been built on masculinity

If everyone in this world would be gay and submissive we would be already dead
the soycucks i am referring to are not gay
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  • #7
This world has been built on masculinity

If everyone in this world would be gay and submissive we would be already dead
we will probably all die from masculinity in 50 years (global warming or ww3)
do you still feel this way? have you experienced more femininity from the raw meat and have you seen the physical implications? and correct me if im wrong, but youre an adult so your growth plates are probably sealed. and anime girls have wide hips. do you have wide hips? do you think you can achieve the anime girl build from e alone, or will you undergo surgery? i would like to see the results after you ascend via this strategy
do you still feel this way? have you experienced more femininity from the raw meat and have you seen the physical implications? and correct me if im wrong, but youre an adult so your growth plates are probably sealed. and anime girls have wide hips. do you have wide hips? do you think you can achieve the anime girl build from e alone, or will you undergo surgery? i would like to see the results after you ascend via this strategy
Anime girl build 💀
There’s one guy on org built like that

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