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Search results

  1. aguachento

    Info the NATION with the worst metabolism on the PLANET.

    The men there have a horrible physiognomy. Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient. India: -Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day. -Lowest iodine consumption -Lowest D3 -Highest fried oil consumption their...
  2. aguachento

    Guide the NATION with the BEST metabolism in the WORLD

    Many people do not know it but Dutch people have the best metabolism in the world largely due to how effectively they keep PTH (parathyroid hormone) in check. how do they do it? PTH (Parathyroid hormone) is a hormone with many negative effects, it: Raises blood Calcium levels Increases...
  3. aguachento

    Guide IMPROVING the mobility of the FASCIA will improve the appearance of your FACE.

    It might sound far fetched… but loosening your feet can help improve your facial appearance! Along our bodies exists a set of thin tissue called 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐚, which plays an important part in the mobility of our bodies & our appearance that follows Tight fascia along the body will improperly...
  4. aguachento

    Theory God loves BEAUTY

    God loves BEAUTY more than VIRTUE This is the fundamental premise of Western civilization The beautiful are the good, and the good are the beautiful: καλός και αγαθός BEAUTY 🌞 POWER ⚡️ What other noble aspirations are there? What else JUSITIFIES...
  5. aguachento

    Discussion The photos are a deception and do not accurately represent who we are

    if we worship beauty, why would we tolerate gross ugly misrepresentations of ourselves? Depending on the quality of the camera and depth of shot our appearance (face) varies. Here are more comparisons I also do not consider the mirror to be reliable and that we are really as we do not...
  6. aguachento

    Guide Why Africans have a huge dick 🍆

    There is one superior method to get a huge schlong, and that is the African method. It’s incredibly simple, you literally walk around in the sun, naked, no underwear, just showing your family weapon to the sun. And when you are not doing this, you wear the looses underwear possible...
  7. aguachento

    Theory we are ENERGY

    All these Peaters (Ray Peat Diet) talking about Bioenergetics: “eat this and do this for energy” seem to forget that energy comes from more than food, sunlight or chemical supplements. Other people can give you energy, it may seem dark but attention is a form of energy, every eyecontact you...
  8. aguachento

    Guide Understanding asymmetries

    “I am so asymmetrical” No you are not, you FEEL asymmetrical. The chance that your bones are asymmetrical is around 1%, most people instead suffer from a bad POSITIONING of bones. This positioning is influenced by the soft tissues: - Fascia - Muscles - Sutures - Ligaments - Tendons and so...
  9. aguachento

    Info just be confident bro

    "just be confident bro" <doesn’t know that confidence is a reflection of GABA levels and receptivity> Mouthbreathing is for anxious people. You ever see James Bond breathing through his mouth when things get tough? Rarely. Mouthbreathing takes stimulation away from the Vagus nerve which...
  10. aguachento

    Guide The MOST anti-aging food/supplement in existence

    Eat more gelatin if you wanna reverse aging. It's anti-stress due to the protein content without the three inflammatory amino acids: 1. Cysteine: 0 2. Tryptophan: 0 3. Methionine: trace amounts "The amino acids cysteine and tryptophan, released in large quantities during stress, have...
  11. aguachento

    Guide Improving the health and beauty of the skin is easy

    By far the most important Vitamin and mineral for skin beauty is Vitamin A and Zinc. The average person used to consume 600 oysters a year, the number diminished to 3 oysters a year. From eating ~2 oysters A DAY to one every 4 months. Collegenases, the collagen building enzymes, are zinc...
  12. aguachento

    Experience About having a fast metabolism

    I'm reading about Ray Peat's theories and came across that. if you have a fast metabolism you can basically get away with ANYTHING. everybody knows that guy that eats like complete shit and is still lean and looks healthy. this is because of their fast metabolism. fast metabolism = active...
  13. aguachento

    Guide Weston A. Price's work was amazing

    I think the best book that we have available to learn what humans should eat is Weston A. Price - Nutrition and physical degeneration. People say all types of shit about what humans ate 500 million years ago but they’re rly all just making shit up, the theories are fun but they can say...
  14. aguachento

    this is me, i introduce myself

    i introduce myself since I never did it before, mostly so you know me and who is behind this account. I would like you to tell me: How ugly am I? How old do you think I am or how old do I look? What country do I look like I'm from? What are my flaws and where should I improve? just out of...
  15. aguachento

    Info The female gaze is often misunderstood and HERE's why

    This is a mistake I see in the famous "female gaze" or also called "men written by a woman" these guys of the female gaze are attractive not because they are "feminine or effeminate men", but because they are of high status, i.e. they are famous. Characters like Timothée Chalamet, the Chinese...
  16. aguachento

    IMPORTANT - Amino Acid balance!!!

    Most of you people don't have this under control so listen: Almost nobody knows shit about the amino acids they consume so let me educate you real quick. Amino acids are basically the ingredients of a protein. Not every protein is the same because they all have different aminos. This is...
  17. aguachento

    Guide Diet to grow in height

    📌Same population, different diets, different heights. There is a strong correlation between height and diet, which has been observed in many modern and ancient archaeological societies. One of those are the mayans who demonstrated a 13cm difference (5.12”) between social classes, the working...