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  1. Y

    Story My friends can be boring.

    Yeah i agreeee u worded it better than me
  2. Y

    Story My friends can be boring.

    I so relate to the part abt clicking more with ur old friends even though they’re toxic. My old bestfriend used to act like a toxic gf towards me n we had a fallout n shit so we haven’t spoken for months n even though I have another best friend it feels like it’s not a genuine friendship n more...
  3. Y

    Good song rate pls

    That’s not how Arabic music sounds lol only to the western ear
  4. Y

    I want to part my hair

    Meh not bad in the first pic but u should try using a hair diffuser plus the mousse
  5. Y

    I want to part my hair

    Takes points off from his appearance too
  6. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    I’d be too embarrassed to tell my irls 😭
  7. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    Did not have to break it to me like that 😔 might move countries n try my luck
  8. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    I’m telling u that’s the hot gf effect. Girls get curious n start going after those guys to see what she sees in him, I’ve seen it happen so many times
  9. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    Ego boosted so high they start cheating n once a girl gives an ugly a chance other girls start eyeing him they call it the gf effect or something in the end you’re always losing
  10. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    I get being emotionally unavailable but talking to someone else on a break js hurts 😕 I wait n wait n it leads to a dead end
  11. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    Omg yeahh it’s always I’ll stay with u on some shitty condition, f*****g hate ultimatums
  12. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    Exactlyy whenever I do see a girl n a guy together in a happy rs I js wonder what I did wrong ☹️ i don’t get how ppl can play cold with someone they’re scared of losing
  13. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    No it’s not even about looks for me, I really care about personality. I don’t approach a guy first, and the ones that approach me treat me like shit but always come back to repeat the cycle. I’m not the only girl that goes through this 🙁 guys will approach u first, make u believe some romantic...
  14. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    Loyalty is a lost principle now so I doubt our generation will be able to experience what it’s like building a healthy relationship n family
  15. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    I’m not on any dating apps my experience is based on irl dating n it’s even worse cuz u see that person everyday despite the fact they js ghosted u for no apparent reason n then when they do come back it feels like it’s all a game
  16. Y

    The dating scene is shit regardless if you’re good looking

    Litr u build bs connections with ppl u met online n they’ll ghost u the next day as if it was nothing