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Yeah but the truth hurted you so bad you make this shit ass parragraph offering more pityfishing lmao

And at the end some insults because, of course, I will surely feel very sad after a random forum user calls me "period. Rot"
And idk if you are not educated enough to understand the english language, but let me help you. At the end of my "Shit ass parragraph" (One R not two babes) I said, that maybe even though you think I am useless ( to a literal looksmaxxing forum??) , you are useless PERIOD (meaning beyond this forum, even irl) A grown individual triggered by a random 15 year old trying to imrpove her life. Very bitter very sad and very weird. Hope this helps and once again, if you call em the r slur, tell me to end my own life you cannot possibly act like im weird for then throwing that right back at you?
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Calling this shit morbidly obese
View attachment 57297
Okay but are you able to see my body in it's current state, for you to be making this statements?
I said an advice
In english we say "I gave you advice" and no you did not, telling me to rope isn't advice, calling me a r3tard when you're the one who's lacking in english skills, is not "advice" to normal civilized people.
never said you need to hate yourself. Just don't pityfish
Just foolish....Literally re-read your statements.
if you are here to pityfish you have no reason to be here. If you want to improve you should already know how skinny fat problem gets fixed its basic as hell I fixed my own skinny fat problem when I didn't knew what looksmaxxing was
I've been here asking and taking genuine advice, you having your little psychosis episode, took it upon yourself to fabricate this lie about me. And to be frank idgaf what you did, I am not you and this is how I will handle my issues. If i wanna ask other people who enjoy imrpoving their looks for advice, then i'll do that.

I'm healing players with mantis in marvel rivals
whatever that means.
And idk if you are not educated enough to understand the english language, but let me help you. At the end of my "Shit ass parragraph" (One R not two babes) I said, that maybe even though you think I am useless ( to a literal looksmaxxing forum??) , you are useless PERIOD (meaning beyond this forum, even irl) A grown individual triggered by a random 15 year old trying to imrpove her life. Very bitter very sad and very weird. Hope this helps and once again, if you call em the r slur, tell me to end my own life you cannot possibly act like im weird for then throwing that right back at you? But what can you expect from a funky incel transvestite it's always your kind 😆
n***a getting mad I don't speak a second language i didnt even studied and only learned by using english sites good enough
Also didn't you written "vecayse" instead of "because" Anyways doesn't matter because writing errors doesn't affects an argument, so yours is equally shit even if you would have written that "because" right
Everyone is useless irl, everyone will be for ever forgotten, not even Einstein will be remembered from here to the next thousand years
I'm not complaining about your insults it just felt funny because you are bitter over the truth that you are pityfishing and with a victim mindset
n***a getting mad I don't speak a second language i didnt even studied and only learned by using english sites good enough
Also didn't you written "vecayse" instead of "because" Anyways doesn't matter because writing errors doesn't affects an argument, so yours is equally shit even if you would have written that "because" right
Everyone is useless irl, everyone will be for ever forgotten, not even Einstein will be remembered from here to the next thousand years
I'm not complaining about your insults it just felt funny because you are bitter over the truth that you are pityfishing and with a victim mindset
when did you become so based?
Okay but are you able to see my body in it's current state, for you to be making this statements?

In english we say "I gave you advice" and no you did not, telling me to rope isn't advice, calling me a r3tard when you're the one who's lacking in english skills, is not "advice" to normal civilized people.

Just foolish....Literally re-read your statements.

I've been here asking and taking genuine advice, you having your little psychosis episode, took it upon yourself to fabricate this lie about me. And to be frank idgaf what you did, I am not you and this is how I will handle my issues. If i wanna ask other people who enjoy imrpoving their looks for advice, then i'll do that.

whatever that means.
Bro keeps feeling superior for being better at her native language how do you expect me to not call you a r****d you literally asking for it
Your body can't be morbidly obese with that bmi, you may be skinny fat but not morbidly obese. This labeling is victim mindset.
n***a getting mad I don't speak a second language i didnt even studied and only learned by using english sites good enough
Also didn't you written "vecayse" instead of "because" Anyways doesn't matter because writing errors doesn't affects an argument, so yours is equally shit even if you would have written that "because" right
Everyone is useless irl, everyone will be for ever forgotten, not even Einstein will be remembered from here to the next thousand years
I'm not complaining about your insults it just felt funny because you are bitter over the truth that you are pityfishing and with a victim mindset
A typo doesn't mean I do not understand the language, I am able to correct myself whilst you're still struggling to form sentences. I was born in the Netherlands and somehow my english tops yours, meaning you are just slow. When i said you were useless irl, i meant you were uselesd to those around you, if you died today I doubt it would affect anybody deeply, your precense is not needed, especially given the fact that your IQ may very well be below 3 digits. If you see one post where somebody is simply talking about how they are not happy with their current body, and are actively trying to make a change to that, and you take upon yourself to tell them to die and insult their intelligence YOU, my friend are the one who's bitter. Nobody has a pityfishing mindset. So quit whilst your behind sweetheart, you aint gonna win this one love.
A typo doesn't mean I do not understand the language, I am able to correct myself whilst you're still struggling to form sentences. I was born in the Netherlands and somehow my english tops yours, meaning you are just slow. When i said you were useless irl, i meant you were uselesd to those around you, if you died today I doubt it would affect anybody deeply, your precense is not needed, especially given the fact that your IQ may very well be below 3 digits. If you see one post where somebody is simply talking about how they are not happy with their current body, and are actively trying to make a change to that, and you take upon yourself to tell them to die and insult their intelligence YOU, my friend are the one who's bitter. Nobody has a pityfishing mindset. So quit whilst your behind sweetheart, you aint gonna win this one love.
Bruh and him using two r’s in paragraph, and making one mistake with the word advice proves he struggles to form a sentence? Lol u still somehow understood what he meant though😂
A typo doesn't mean I do not understand the language, I am able to correct myself whilst you're still struggling to form sentences. I was born in the Netherlands and somehow my english tops yours, meaning you are just slow. When i said you were useless irl, i meant you were uselesd to those around you, if you died today I doubt it would affect anybody deeply, your precense is not needed, especially given the fact that your IQ may very well be below 3 digits. If you see one post where somebody is simply talking about how they are not happy with their current body, and are actively trying to make a change to that, and you take upon yourself to tell them to die and insult their intelligence YOU, my friend are the one who's bitter. Nobody has a pityfishing mindset. So quit whilst your behind sweetheart, you aint gonna win this one love.
Congrats on knowing English, you still made a a pityfishing post btw.
Also you literally know nothing about my life lmao.
How tf are

twinks with loose holes are based now?
you just low iq because you try to divert the argument into a english competition because someone saying the truth hurted you, that's why he said "based". It's a silly comment tho, no need to feel anything better or worse
Bruh and him using two r’s in paragraph, and making one mistake with the word advice proves he struggles to form a sentence? Lol u still somehow understood what he meant though😂
Read closely and you'll clearly see he struggles to form proper sentences, even struggling with word placement.
Congrats on knowing English, you still made a a pityfishing post btw.
Also you literally know nothing about my life lmao.
Wasn't a pityfishing post lol, you can keep trying to create a false narrative, but it wont change anything ! 😆 And you being a grown n1gga on here triggered by a 15 year old tells me enough about your life bud, and I can sense I struck a nerve. We don't need to get personal though.
you just low iq because you try to divert the argument into a english competition because someone saying the truth hurted you, that's why he said "based". It's a silly comment tho, no need to feel anything better or worse
And I replied with a bit of shade, you don't have to break down what whitepill said, chief. Have a good one 😽 (P.S it's hurt not hurted!!!)
God forbid someone use the wrong tenses a couple of times. Even I do that as someone whose native language is English. Nobody speaks grammatically correct 24/7

Also, when you refer to “a piece of advice“ in Spanish it’s “un consejo“, which directly translates to “an advice” btw.
And paragraph in Spanish is “párrafo”. Two rs. It’s almost like he’s just used to speaking Spanish.
Okay, does this somehow take away from the fact that his english not good? Go back to rotting in PSL 😉
If his english isnt good
ill do it
when you say things like

"MORBIDLY OBESE at 15 help?" and being at your current weight is clearly pityfishing

you continue and follow up by saying

"Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?"

"Being a girl is torture" obvious bait

then ask what weight is ideal after calling yourself obese

youre clearly lacking in other areas and want to compensate with the fact you are the ideal bmi (you currently are) and want others to say that to you for validation

this sentence:

" Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now"

is obvious bait

stop denying it

bringing choripans age as a factor isnt really a good argument either, "muh grown man" acting like he has a moral duty to be a slave to society or some shit just because hes above 18
That’s grammatically incorrect you’re going to jail
Again, theres a difference betweeb a cheeky typo, and then just being uneducated and dumb. You guys are acting as though me correcting him is worse than him telling a 15 year old to rope, because she said something about HERSELF thar he didn't like and deemed pityfishing. Now if you excuse me it's a lovely monday morning for me. And i'm gonna go do something productive and be USEFUL!! 😁😁😆
If his english isnt good
ill do it
when you say things like

"MORBIDLY OBESE at 15 help?" and being at your current weight is clearly pityfishing

you continue and follow up by saying

"Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?"

"Being a girl is torture" obvious bait

then ask what weight is ideal after calling yourself obese

youre clearly lacking in other areas and want to compensate with the fact you are the ideal bmi (you currently are) and want others to say thantto you for validation

this sentence:

" Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now"

is obvious bait

stop denying it

bringing choripans age as a factor isnt really a good argument either, "muh grown man" acting like he has a moral duty to be a slave to society or some shit just because hes above 18
Aint reading allat. It's weird how you're going above and beyond to defend a n***a who doesn't know you. And no the things i said werent, bait. Just because I say something YOU do not like does not mean it's bait. And yk what you're mad weird from literally following me, adding me on discord being under almost every status update of mine, to doing this fa&&ot ass shit. Just odd tbh but whatever lol. And yes, if you're above 18 it means you're an adult...maybe he doesn't have a purpose in life or any friends or even a job the least he could have is some fucking self control and respect...Have a blessed day!
Again, theres a difference betweeb a cheeky typo, and then just being uneducated and dumb. You guys are acting as though me correcting him is worse than him telling a 15 year old to rope, because she said something about HERSELF thar he didn't like and deemed pityfishing. Now if you excuse me it's a lovely monday morning for me. And i'm gonna go do something productive and be USEFUL!! 😁😁😆
You struggle to comprehend internet vicabulary and context imo
his message of kys isnt meaning in the way of actually kill yourself or rope, but rather in a way like "stfu" he couldve phrased it better ye but this thread is dumb overall
If his english isnt good
ill do it
when you say things like

"MORBIDLY OBESE at 15 help?" and being at your current weight is clearly pityfishing

you continue and follow up by saying

"Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?"

"Being a girl is torture" obvious bait

then ask what weight is ideal after calling yourself obese

youre clearly lacking in other areas and want to compensate with the fact you are the ideal bmi (you currently are) and want others to say that to you for validation

this sentence:

" Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now"

is obvious bait

stop denying it

bringing choripans age as a factor isnt really a good argument either, "muh grown man" acting like he has a moral duty to be a slave to society or some shit just because hes above 18
Idk what the problem is here but the pityfishing part is so wrong it’s like you guys have never met an insecure teenage girl it’s so clear she has eating issues n to call this pityfishing is literally js disregarding n undermining her issue
Wasn't a pityfishing post lol, you can keep trying to create a false narrative, but it wont change anything ! 😆 And you being a grown n1gga on here triggered by a 15 year old tells me enough about your life bud, and I can sense I struck a nerve. We don't need to get personal though.

And I replied with a bit of shade, you don't have to break down what whitepill said, chief. Have a good one 😽 (P.S it's hurt not hurted!!!)
I'm answering you between queues of games in marvel rivals since I'm on vacation after getting a good college year because i wonder what will be the next low iq take you will take
Calling morbidly obese a low bmi is pityfishing
You struggle to comprehend internet vicabulary and context imo
his message of kys isnt meaning in the way of actually kill yourself or rope, but rather in a way like "stfu" he couldve phrased it better ye but this thread is dumb overall
Sorry that i'm a normal humab being, and that someone telling me to end life doesn't magically correlate to being told to stfu? Like i knew you n*****s were challenged mentally , but this is insane?
I'm answering you between queues of games in marvel rivals since I'm on vacation after getting a good college year because i wonder what will be the next low iq take you will take
Calling morbidly obese a low bmi is pityfishing
Stfu if u don’t have anything nice to say to someone who is struggling don’t say it this is in the female lookmaxxing section for a reason she’s not here for u
I'm answering you between queues of games in marvel rivals since I'm on vacation after getting a good college year because i wonder what will be the next low iq take you will take
Calling morbidly obese a low bmi is pityfishing
It's called using an title to grab attention, aka clickbait!!! Look at all my titles they're all over the top for clicks in order to get help QUICKER!!😆😆
Aint reading allat. It's weird how you're going above and beyond to defend a n***a who doesn't know you
what makes you assume i dont know him?
. And no the things i said werent, bait.
they were pityfishing, validation seeking
Just because I say something YOU do not like does not mean it's bait.
Its not that lul, its fishing for attention and compliments
And yk what you're mad weird from literally following me, adding me on discord being under almost every status update of mine
adding on discord was just funny coincidence
whats wrong with lurking status updates? i found them amusing, and check literally everyone on the forums profile status, you arent special
stop trying to turn this on me LOLOLOL

, to doing this fa&&ot ass shit
im a high t male, son
. Just odd tbh but whatever lol. And yes, if you're above 18 it means you're an adult...
and who cares? being a child doesnt exempt you from facing criticism
maybe he doesn't have a purpose in life or any friends or even a job the least he could have is some fucking self control and respect.
he has self control and respect? hes just calling you out in ur bs
..Have a blessed day!
cut the condescending bullcrap, son
what makes you assume i dont know him?

they were pityfishing, validation seeking

Its not that lul, its fishing for attention and compliments

adding on discord was just funny coincidence
whats wrong with lurking status updates? i found them amusing, and check literally everyone on the forums profile status, you arent special
stop trying to turn this on me LOLOLOL

im a high t male, son

and who cares? being a child doesnt exempt you from facing criticism

he has self control and respect? hes just calling you out in ur bs

cut the condescending bullcrap, son
yeah dnr, clear psychosis.😬
If she stopped her victim mindset she could get better
It's almost as if you're forcing that upon me with this fake, pityfishing narrative. Once again i'll gladly use a fake clickbait title. To get people to read my posts and help me...all my titles are over the top. Some people post shit and get ZERO replies.
No it’s a looksmaxxing forum, and it’s so corny to use slurs that u can’t even use aren’t u south asian????
anyone can use slurs
Looksmaxxing requires accepting the truth if the blackpill, otherwise there is no reason to do it
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