And idk if you are not educated enough to understand the english language, but let me help you. At the end of my "Shit ass parragraph" (One R not two babes) I said, that maybe even though you think I am useless ( to a literal looksmaxxing forum??) , you are useless PERIOD (meaning beyond this forum, even irl) A grown individual triggered by a random 15 year old trying to imrpove her life. Very bitter very sad and very weird. Hope this helps and once again, if you call em the r slur, tell me to end my own life you cannot possibly act like im weird for then throwing that right back at you?Yeah but the truth hurted you so bad you make this shit ass parragraph offering more pityfishing lmao
And at the end some insults because, of course, I will surely feel very sad after a random forum user calls me "period. Rot"
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