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You did it in the post itself, calling you nasty and shit
Yeah it’s much diff from other ppl calling u nasty and etc, she obivously has body dysmporphia and maybe wants to feed into it. Not saying what’s she’s doing is right but u don’t have to be all rude to her cuz of that
anyone can use slurs
Looksmaxxing requires accepting the truth if the blackpill, otherwise there is no reason to do it
no they can’t, that’s why it’s called slurs for a reason. No it doesn’t, black pill is slightly true but it’s honestly over exaggerated by you users. Looks maxing is the name, to improve looks??
no they can’t, that’s why it’s called slurs for a reason.
manmade words
No it doesn’t, black pill is slightly true but it’s honestly over exaggerated by you users. Looks maxing is the name, to improve looks??
"you users"
mirin hard
its not exaggerated in the slightest, when it has scientific evidence to back it up
to improve looks requires acceptance that looks matter, aka the blackpill/ literal human nature
manmade words

"you users"
mirin hard
its not exaggerated in the slightest, when it has scientific evidence to back it up
to improve looks requires acceptance that looks matter, aka the blackpill/ literal human nature
Not rlly, improving looks is mostly a physical thing not rlly mentally. Idk what mirin hard means. Obviously it’s man made words, but there’s man made laws and man made things everywhere that’s why u can’t just go and kill anyone you see in the street, there’s good and bad and slurs aren’t good at all.
Lord, help me.
Acting desperate
and my life has been a mess.
Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now
Calling this to a normal-low BMI is victim mindset
Awww poor you...
My whole softmaxxing plan is ruined because I don’t even know where to start.
Ok good reason to post
There’s no point in debloating my face if my body is big anyway.
Low iq take, calorie deficit is part of what deflating is and affects whole body. You probably think this because of victim mindset that you can't do anything to be better
I’m just stuck on what to do. At first, I decided I’d do a lean bulk as some people advised—grow my glutes and then corset train for an even smaller waist.

But now people are telling me to do an aggressive cut, get skinny, then lean bulk to grow my ass and then corset train. I just don’t know what to do anymore, and I feel like I’m going to ruin my body. My boobs STILL haven’t grown, and I don’t want to lose them completely by doing an aggressive cut.
Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development.
Only good part of the post
OMG, being a girl is torture.
What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?
What you have rn lmao

I wonder what is the real problem you are hiding with your "I'm morbidly obese" cope. Probably bones
Not rlly, improving looks is mostly a physical thing not rlly mentally. Idk what mirin hard means. Obviously it’s man made words, but there’s man made laws and man made things everywhere that’s why u can’t just go and kill anyone you see in the street, there’s good and bad and slurs aren’t good at all.
Ate. Someone close the thread 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Acting desperate


Calling this to a normal-low BMI is victim mindset

Awww poor you...

Ok good reason to post

Low iq take, calorie deficit is part of what deflating is and affects whole body. You probably think this because of victim mindset that you can't do anything to be better

Only good part of the post


What you have rn lmao

I wonder what is the real problem you are hiding with your "I'm morbidly obese" cope. Probably bones
I broke your post down not even necessary to do so but since you are low iq
Yeah it’s much diff from other ppl calling u nasty and etc, she obivously has body dysmporphia and maybe wants to feed into it. Not saying what’s she’s doing is right but u don’t have to be all rude to her cuz of that
If she has body dismorphia she needs someone to call her out not people telling her to use fucking sports bra lmao
If she has body dismorphia she needs someone to call her out not people telling her to use fucking sports bra lmao
Dude u are so pissed for no reason, what does my advice have to do with this she was asking abt bras so I helped her?? Unless maybe you can go back to being a twink and share some of your tips with her
Dude u are so pissed for no reason
I thought saying "fucking ...." was a form to exclaim that what comes after "fucking" is labeled as something depending on the rest of the message, in this case, as something funny/silly. It's not because I'm pissed
what does my advice have to do with this she was asking abt bras so I helped her?? Unless maybe you can go back to being a twink and share some of your tips with her
Honestly didn't remembered it was yours but anyways it's the advice the one I'm saying is silly not yours
Also calling me twink is a bad insult since twinks are young gay men not men faking women looks
Low iq even for insulting is over
I thought saying "fucking ...." was a form to exclaim that what comes after "fucking" is labeled as something depending on the rest of the message, in this case, as something funny/silly. It's not because I'm pissed

Honestly didn't remembered it was yours but anyways it's the advice the one I'm saying is silly not yours
Also calling me twink is a bad insult since twinks are young gay men not men faking women looks
Low iq even for insulting is over
Ur acting like I’m gonna sit and think about the backstory of my 2 second jokes, I only mentioned it cuz that random story telling thing I replied to
Ur acting like I’m gonna sit and think about the backstory of my 2 second jokes, I only mentioned it cuz that random story telling thing I replied to
It should be a microsecond thinking if you can't do it it's over for your iq
Of course describing that microsecond thinking with words mat be long but it stills is a description of a microsecond thinking
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