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Search results

  1. osteochondromyxoma

    Tips for binge eaters?

    only ozempic
  2. osteochondromyxoma

    Info lefort 4

    Can he do brain transplants aswell?
  3. osteochondromyxoma

    The average height of people has increased by 10cm over the last 100 years. Will people be giants in the future?

    Future technology and furthering social norms may cause the average height ot inflate due to easier access of technologies and methods of gaining height. LL and HGH during early years seems to be the only current methods that work, but in the future it's a possibility we can open growth plates...
  4. osteochondromyxoma

    Height advice

    Look at my bmp -7 thread can u try robbing a bank and buying BMP-7 and conducting intra articular shots. Also please lmk how it goes!
  5. osteochondromyxoma

    Tips for binge eaters?

    Dinitrophenol, ozempic
  6. osteochondromyxoma

    how do i look more masculine

    Probably because you lack dimorphism. You can probably try 250mg test e andk2 + vit D3. Depending on your age and other factors it's possible to increasedimporphism. This chart shows % of skull maturation size by years but it's also possible yours varies.
  7. osteochondromyxoma


    I prematurely aged my face for the past 2 years because I literally didnt wear sunscreen lol. I'm in highschool with the collagen of a literal 28 year old. I ordered some pdo threads for my folds and imma try 6 of them for each fold.
  8. osteochondromyxoma

    Hedgehog Signaling | Future alternatives to LL

    I am a federal agent hired for my summer job to take down obscure forums on the internet.
  9. osteochondromyxoma

    Hedgehog Signaling | Future alternatives to LL

    Hedgehog signaling plays a critical role in bone growth by regulating chondrocyte differentiation and proliferation in growth plates. Manipulating this pathway could potentially be used to enhance bone lengthening. This could involve gene therapy or the use of molecules to enhance Hedgehog...
  10. osteochondromyxoma

    Info World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September | 2024
  11. osteochondromyxoma

    Method Forearm Bones Lengthening Method

    Thanks for feedback. It's true that much radiation is bad for the human body, I think maybe once every 1-2 years. Although, there might be nerve damage, bloodvessel damage and this isn't really a researched topic. I plan to follow through with this concept though. It's very promising for the future.
  12. osteochondromyxoma

    Method Forearm Bones Lengthening Method

    Maybe, I guess most people don't have the time or their own pulley system at home lmao. That was a bit on my bad but I think most people can do it 1-2 times just like a gym session.
  13. osteochondromyxoma

    Method Forearm Bones Lengthening Method

    This thread marks a Wingspan-Catch-up method to those with disproportionate arms to their legs or if they just want longer arms. This will focus on lengthening the two Forearm Bones The principle/theory of Mechanotransduction must be understood to apply this correctly Mechanotransduction is...
  14. osteochondromyxoma

    How would I go about giving my designs/concepts for my device to a professional or researcher.

    This relates to my other thread of my femoral lengthening device. I dont want them to steal it. I'm probably going to get a Patent first before it but also I'm still in highschool and haven't even gone to premed or medschool yet lol. Is there a way for them to take me seriously? I also dont want...
  15. osteochondromyxoma

    Info Theoretical Femoral Lengthening Device

    Still in the process, will make a thread soon.
  16. osteochondromyxoma

    Theory Question about maxilla and chin projection

    Implants are an option
  17. osteochondromyxoma

    Theory Question about maxilla and chin projection

    Let's consider what you're saying in a drawing. The thing is the entire mandible doesnt have to be recessed for your chin to be behind your lips. The mentals of the manibular body Is probably recessed, a genio , filler or jaw implants could correct it and move it forward.
  18. osteochondromyxoma

    Can anyone rate my progress 1/10

    Forward growth has genetic limit, Bimax isn't good for people with asiatic makeup because the entire maxilla is recessed, Bimax is only including the lower maxilla. Lefort 2 which is f****d as hell and dangerous would be the only thing that could move the entire maxilla forward. Also Flat...