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Falis Megathread

Lateral commisuroplasty

By Eppley:

increase forward facial growth. You can pick the method that you like the most.
Try squinching your eyes and try doing this -


It worked for me when i was 7, cause i did it out of pure rage tbh.
Try squinching your eyes and try doing this -

View attachment 861

It worked for me when i was 7, cause i did it out of pure rage tbh.
How want To give us all the rules and important points we must respects
I heard that narrow palate (+ good zygomatiques projection) help with having hollow Cheek is that true?
unless you believe in mewing theres practically no non surgical way of counter clockwise rotating the upper jaw
if I refer to the lower lip it align with the chin but for the upper lip it's not the case (i have puffy lips by the way) si have i recssed chin or not?
What do you mean by line up with the mandibule? (I dont understand it) can you explain it for me?
Lip lift or ccw rotation is the only method, and it has minimal results, and ccw rotation is not suited for most people. But you might not need to shorten your midface
also mew and try keep your front teeth touched
try too keep as much teeth as you can touched but your front teeth also should be in contact)
I have an overbite making m'y Front teeth touching make me look Dumb and hurt me unaturel position
I have an overbite making m'y Front teeth touching make me look Dumb and hurt me unaturel position
Can you make photo of your side profile and send it me in pm? I can help you. I also had an overbite and get rid of that shit
Thumbpulling lower jaw palate is this the same principal as of the upper palete
I do not have access to my phone because it is in repartion but if you can give some useful adive here it will be great!
(counter clockwise rotate the jaws)can youe xplain that for me
(counter clockwise rotate the jaws)can youe xplain that for me
Oh shit so i have that but my jaw is kind of longue and defined with a good gonial angle
there can be different situation
without photo your side profile it is hard to say surely what type you have
maybe 1 class maloclusion, maybe 2nd) there is some diferrence, but mewing kills that shit)
I will send you a pic as soon as possible concerning my bite my orthodentiste advised me not to wear a dental appliance he told me that it is quite natural and that if I put it a tooth extraction would be necessary and it can messed up so i think that i have type 1 malocclusion