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Falis Megathread

If u mean colour then yes it's good if complete black but depends on other colours and contrasting on your face
I am a white guy with dark eyes on what did you refers to for the contrast? The skin complextion?
Are they a good feature i have them so i am asking about it?
Eye color really does not matter. This is what everyone gets wrong. They think blue or green eyes are the best, but it is all about the shape of the eye.
Thank you yes i know the importance of the eye shape and the under eye support but the eye colour can actually be a good bonus
Thank you yes i know the importance of the eye shape and the under eye support but the eye colour can actually be a good bonus
You are correct. Eye colour is a bonus, a nicer looking eye colour with skin complexion is a benefit, but a very minor one.
I dont see any bodybuilders massaging their biceps br0.............................................
What trt? I am not a native english speaker i dont understand all your abreviation
many say it's not a good feature and that semi hooeded eyes are a better trait
There are guy who still have impressive hunter eyes with upper eyelid exposure

it depends mostly on your bone structure aka your orbital structure
are you talking about the eye shape or what surrounds it when you talk a bout orbital structure
8c26fccf22c2eb57875a1bf9c63de425.jpgtenor (4).gifBOqX.gif

You want a medial canthus which tilts downwards enhancing cat eye theory and pct
Slight eyelid exposure
Narrow but horizontally long eyes

Diagram showing medial canthus
(Off topic) if you notice all the people you posted the photo have narrow palate
Yes that's cuz wide palate is a Jewish cope to make u buy expanded, all male models have narrow palate.
I thought about zygomatic and under eye support because apparently it plays a role in the eye tilt and orbit
They are part of the orbit bro but weather or not it plays a role in tilt is a grey area
So slight eyelide exposure is preferable To fully hordes eyes
In my and many others opinion yes, but full hooded eyes are still exotic and aesthetic
Masculine orbitals should be square and angular shaped with a upswing

Eyes should be horizontally wide (Long palpebral fissure length) and vertically narrow with only slightly to no upper eyelid exposure

the medial canthus should be defined with a downswing

the lower eyelids should be straight and angular and not rounded (through high set and Forward projecting orbital rims)

generally, masculine eyes should be as angular as possible, ideal eyeshape for a man is rectangle shape with a neutral to positive canthal tilt and hooding of course
Copypaste from Lookism tbh

The shape of the labial fissure - masculine lips won't be a straight or a curved line. They will have that main shape but have aggresive turns/notches at the middle and edges of the lips:
[Image: jed6.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n8z0m7IjMO1qeereko1_1280.jpg]

You will never see this on females.
This is actually what makes men's lip seem thinner - they fold and turn inwards. This is a dimorphic morphology.

Yet another sexually dimorphic feature of the lips is the shape of the outer edges of the vermillion border - females have a round vermillion border, while males have sharper, more angular pronounced vermillion borders. This can be especially seen at the middle of the upper lip - men have what is known as a "cupid's bow". Males also have much wider bows. It is a very dimorphic feature.
[Image: stock-photo-close-up-of-man-s-face-lips-119055202.jpg]
[Image: 2daf20823ede1cfa5b9f30db82c75459.jpg]

[Image: MTS_Equation-783491-NakedLipsMultiskins.jpg]
These are all female lips. You can tell by their softness and round shape.
anyone who even knows this has the IQ of a walnut that was ran over by a tank

you are either attractive or you aren't, women don't know any of this autistic theory

both men and women can just tell by looking if something is good looking or not, they dont even need to pinpoint what it is

and dont play the surgery thing with me, if you go to a surgeon with all your autistic data on chin, jaw, lips, eyes, etc. you'll get thrown out
yeah honestly unless you naturally have a thick beard there's not much you can do
Yes maybe i am still young si it not a issue for me reight now but minox have proved To do something tape dermarolling beard or minox on Ytb nothing extreme but it can help if we have a existent patchy beard
Main things you need for hunter eyes are large pfl to pfw ratio, neutral canthal tilt to slightly positive and MINIMAL upper eyelid exposure.

In general for more masculine hunter eyes, the bow bridge should be pretty low and very prominent. Meaning that the hooding is caused by the bone and less predominantly the fat pads above the eye. This is what I have, it can give a low class low iq neanderthalic look like it does for me

For a more pretty hunter eye look, the hooding is not caused by low brow bridge, but rather the fat pads and skin above the eye. This imo is more desirable and is what a lot of male models like o'pry have. Looks more pretty and more unique.

Masculine orbitals should be square and angular shaped with a upswing

Eyes should be horizontally wide (Long palpebral fissure length) and vertically narrow with only slightly to no upper eyelid exposure

the medial canthus should be defined with a downswing

the lower eyelids should be straight and angular and not rounded (through high set and Forward projecting orbital rims)

generally, masculine eyes should be as angular as possible, ideal eyeshape for a man is rectangle shape with a neutral to positive canthal tilt and hooding of course
Main things you need for hunter eyes are large pfl to pfw ratio, neutral canthal tilt to slightly positive and MINIMAL upper eyelid exposure.

In general for more masculine hunter eyes, the bow bridge should be pretty low and very prominent. Meaning that the hooding is caused by the bone and less predominantly the fat pads above the eye. This is what I have, it can give a low class low iq neanderthalic look like it does for me
View attachment 1283

For a more pretty hunter eye look, the hooding is not caused by low brow bridge, but rather the fat pads and skin above the eye. This imo is more desirable and is what a lot of male models like o'pry have. Looks more pretty and more unique.

View attachment 1284
I thought before that my fat pads above my eyes was a subhuman trait i was trying To get rid or it two last question what is the pfl to pfw ratio? i don't underdstand this abreviation the last one what about the under eye support area i heard that a good one reflects the light and thus makes the eyes more radiant how To recongnize a good one?
I thought before that my fat pads above my eyes was a subhuman trait i was trying To get rid or it two last question what is the pfl to pfw ratio? i don't underdstand this abreviation the last one what about the under eye support area i heard that a good one reflects the light and thus makes the eyes more radiant how To recongnize a good one?
In general for aesthetic purposes only, fat pads above the eyes>prominent brow ridge although the ideal is to have both (in my case my fat pads aren’t the best but I have a good brow ridge)
I can’t explain it very well, but this does:

As for pfl to pfw ratio this explains it well:
pfl = palebral fissure length
Pfw = palebral fissure width
A very good pfl : pfw means it’s virtually impossible to have bad eye area as you’ll have vertically narrow and horizontally long eyes. You can have nct, upper eyelid exposure and other “death sentences” for your eyes, but you’ll still have well above average eyes

As for good under eye support, the most important feature to NOT have is scleral show
Other features which translate to bad under eye area are eye bags and tear troughs. These aren’t that bad and won’t kill the eye area if the other features I told you are present
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Forgot to say as well to recognise good under eye support, you’ll see that the lower eyelid is straight
It’s another really good feature and can be a saving grace