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Search results

  1. Falis

    Decent frame but...

    I have a decent frame but My right shoulder is lower than the one on the left my friends told me that it is quite visible if you pay attention to it without being an extreme case in the same time I noticed in my entourage that I am not the only one to have this asymmetry (family and friend...
  2. Falis

    Easy looksmaaxing

    For people who have a beard you should try to make the hair smoother and softer in order to achieve the straight beard look you can use the hair dryer for that but not too often because it will harm the quality of the hair in the long term as well as for straightening beard brushes like...
  3. Falis

    Discussion Most important ratio/measurement

    In your opinion what are the most important ratio / measurement to have? for me matching measurement between ipd and lips width it's quiet essential for harmony
  4. Falis

    Way better then thumbpulling

    Someone here wrote a thread (In the beginning of this forum) about a technique which consists of hard mewing at the edege of the bed the head is upside down so with gravity it applay way more force to the palate and Btw To the maxilla i was doing a 3 minute session before bed for...
  5. Falis

    sclera whitening

    No one talked about it here i think that it's important in order To get sparkling eyes and maximise your eye area also if you have any tips To reduce redness or a link for a good eye serum post it here
  6. Falis

    Perma squinching

    Some dudes on looksmax me said that they managed to improve their under eye support by doing it I do not believe them for a second and it seems very autistic for me they belive that squinching for a long time can also make their eyes vertically shorter your taught on it
  7. Falis

    Nostrils widening

    I voluntarily widen my nostrils it give me a more Aesthetic and less droopy nose also it allows me to have the marchng ratio between the alar base and the medial canthus but i can't keep this position for too long do you think we can find a Way To make it permanent or develop a device...
  8. Falis

    Discussion your thoughts on the mew line indicator

    Is it a reliable way To messure maxilla projection ?
  9. Falis

    Correct lips function

    How can describe it it seems to be important for mewing
  10. Falis

    List of hard food

    Some idea of hard food we can chew on
  11. Falis

    Discussion Mew push swallow!

    Who do that ? Mike mew call this technique the Tongue sweep a complementary technique to mewing he speak about that in this video should we do it i used To do it without realizing after seeing the video but now i dont do it anymore
  12. Falis

    Discussion Hard mew in the morning?

    Is that useful? as it seems bone arme softer in the morning
  13. Falis

    Falis Megathread

    how do we know if we have a good undereye support or not?